Rose Arenas - Breathless

2014.07.20 Jersey Shore Comic Con, Toms River, NJ

Breathless is a fantasy-action comic that tells the story of Jesse Williams. He learns he has a twin brother and now he must save the world from falling apart.

This world however is not the world we live in. The Carasonians are a species evolved from dragons. In the 1980s a portal opened between their world and ours...

Rose Arenas, who began this web-comic in 2007, is a visual and web-designer...

The web-comic was originally published in black and white, the comic shown is a color version of the first chapter of the story. The cover of the book features Jesse Williams. Arenas sketch on the Year of the Dragon first day cover features Eclipse, a powerful and dangerous clan leader. He takes on the task of training Jesse and his twin T.J. for what lies ahead...
